Atsalea WinWin
70% of invoicing based on customer work is used to pay salaries. In connection with the conversion from invoicing to gross salary, holiday bookings and social security expenses are deducted, the rest is paid as wages. 30% of the company's share is paid for insurance, commissions, occupational health services, tools, administrative services and other purchased services.
The hourly rate charged to the customer generally varies from roughly 70 to 110 € depending on the role and assignment. Set the number of billable hours to 160 (1 FTE) and the hourly price to 90€, which represents typical moderate pricing for a role in question for senior consultant's work input. The payslip is printed as follows.
Monthly billing 14.400€
Employer share 10 800€
Holiday time salary (11,5%) 840€
Holiday bonus salary (50% of holiday time salary) 420€
Social security expenses (21,30%) 1,520€
→ Gross salary 7301€
The gross salary is 50.7% of the value of the invoice. In the above calculation, it represents the total earnings according to a solid standard-length working month. It is noteworthy that the holiday is paid according to the average earnings of the current year (1.4.-31.3.).
Guaranteed salary 5050€/month, is intended for situations where the previous project has ended and the new one has not yet begun. Such a situation may sometimes occur, considering the nature of the activity.
EQUALITY means that the model is the same for everyone.
FAIRSHARE means that the model categorically raises gross earnings to a new level.
TRANSPARENCY means that each party covered by the model knows exactly through which mechanism the financial earnings are distributed.
WINWIN encourages to systematically (constant learning) increase individual professional capital and the employer to actively support the same process. It emphasizes intrapreneurship without being an entrepreneur-driven model.
We are constantly looking for new top players in the software industry to join us - would you be next? Contact us and let's discuss!